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Cecilia Fire Thunder, a former president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and current member of the Little Wound school board, says visitors need to look beyond the economic challenges here and see the value of the strong family ties and the richness of Lakota traditions. Government policies but eventually returned home to embrace her heritage and become a leader for her Oglala Lakota Nation. The tribe has 45,364 enrolled members; the population of Pine Ridge is estimated at 30,000..

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This is great. I didn grow any beans this year but I did do some okra. I just canned 2 jars of okra yesterday for the first time ever. It took years of careful negotiation with my family to reach a compromise. Certain items must always appear in their pristine form (mashed potatoes, candied yams, roast turkey, stuffing, rolls, jellied cranberry from a can), but I get to add a couple of interesting dishes to the mix. Did score one other, critical win many years ago.

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