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They would sometimes mould shapes from real rocks and bark too

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A: Camera opponents question safety claims and contend that not all accidents in camera intersections, including those involving pedestrians, have been counted, which overstates the value of cameras. Some opponents questioned why vehicles making right turns on red were counted with vehicles that actually ran red lights. Other opponents said yellow light times were too short, forcing drivers to slam on their brakes to avoid running the light, which led to more rear end accidents..

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In order to actually attract the right players you need to build a foundation, the system, the coaches, a new training facility (which Harris said is on plan, and budget, to open next season), what Brett’s doing, the analytical capability to move quickly when trades or free agents become available. All that is now being very well developed and we’re making a lot of strides on that. Now it’s about getting the right team on the court and continuing to build that.

Frankly, the Atlantic 10 is in serious trouble with regard to at large team selection. While the conference played its typically excellent non conference schedule, it got no real “scalps” as it has in years past. Part of this was the result of Temple limping along, the other part is that none of the contenders has had a real breakthrough..

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